Join comedy duo Anna and Emily as they take a look at the gems of their childhood with fresh eyes. Fifth Element, Bad Boys, Death Becomes Her... are they still legit? Anna Leong Brophy and Emily Lloyd-Saini are two halves of sketch act EGG. Find them @eggcomedy on all the social medias. Cover photo by Rachel Sherlock Jingles by Mawaan Rizwan

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Episode 17: 12 Years a Slave 4 U - #FreeBritney
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Anna and Emily stray down the rabbit hole (as it were) - of the #FreeBritney (Spears) movement/conspiracy. It's only a tiny issue that they don't know how to pronounce conservatorship and that's what the whole episode is about. Is the 'movement' legit? Is it OK to be amused by Britney's Insta? And is she trying to tell anyone anything other than she likes short shorts?
@stilllegitpodcast on insta
isitstilllegit@gmail.com on emails
@eggcomedy for more of us should you so wish

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Episode 16: "What is Flan?" - Sabrina the Teenage Witch (with Mawaan Rizwan)
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
This week Anna and Emily are joined by special guest, Mawaan Rizwaan - Writer for Sex Education (Netflix), Comedian (Live at The Apollo, Hammersmith Apollo supporting Queer Eye's JVN), Actor (really you need more credits?) and soon to be contestant on C4's Taskmaster (currently filming).
This weeks ep is all about Sabrina the Teenage Witch. On the quest to find out if it's still legit we think more about Salem the cat as a ol' pervert, Britney Spears' strange cameo and what really is flan?
Follow Mawaan @mawaanr on socials, Anna and Emily @stilllegitpodcast on Insta or email us your thoughts at IsItStillLegit@gmail.com.
And if you like it...don't you dare leave without a rate and review of the podcast you scamps.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Episode 15: "My Name... Is Neil" - The Matrix (with Chloe Petts)
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
This week Anna and Emily are joined by comedian Chloe Petts, a Matrix virgin, to ask whether the film is Still Legit. She endures the pair's Matrix geekery by regaling them with tales of smoke machines and laser pens and ruining Emily's dreams of being able to fly. They also touch upon scorching the sky (just don't do it guys), Switch's inability to camouflage, and whether the human race really *is* a virus. Top notch stuff.
Find Chloe's viral tweets at: @ChloePetts
Follow us @stilllegitpodcast on instagram
@eggcomedy everywhere else
drop us a line!

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Episode 14: Use your words Colin! - Bridget Jones's Diary
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
This week Anna and Emily go back and visit the film AND the book of Bridget Jones Diary. Oh and Pride and Prejudice... in a way. Dredging up memories of break-up songs, celebrating Anna's 20/20 vision and discussing how that iconic fight scene would go down in Harlseden. The real question of course is - is it still legit?
Email us at Isitstilllegit@gmail.com and/or follow us at @stilllegitpodcast.
Please rate and review if you like us in your ears!

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Episode 13: "White Saviour-ville" - Crash
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
This week Anna and Emily are riding the racial rollercoaster that is 2004 Best Picture Oscar winner, Crash. Is it Still Legit? On the way we chat super slo-mo, white heroes, and the Cat Killer of Croydon (sorry, the M25).
If you haven't already, consider making a donation to a cause that supports Black Lives Matter. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/blmm
Links mentioned in this week's show:
IAT test:
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
(Also available at your local bookstore obvs)
Want to drop us a line? We love to hear from you!
email: isitstilllegit@gmail.com
insta: @stilllegitpodcast
twitter: @eggcomedy

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
"You're 25 years old woman!" - Never Been Kissed
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
This week Anna and Emily dive into Never Been Kissed to see if the film has held up over time. Which means revisiting their own first kisses, tipping bin men and, of course, the not so grey area of teacher student relationships.
If you like us - subscribe / rate /review and/or email us at Isitstilllegit@gmail.com or find us @stilllegitpodcast

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Big Mouth, Bojack, Cleveland: Race in Animation - a Minisode
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Things are moving and shaking in telly land and in a week when several white actors have stepped down from or apologised for voicing non-white animated characters (Jenny Slate as Missy in Big Mouth, Kirsten Kristen Bisten Bell as Molly in Central Park, Alison Brie as Diane Nguyen in Bojack Horseman, Mike Henry as Cleveland of the Cleveland Show, etc) we couldn't help getting amongst it for a chat between full episodes.
What do you think? Get in touch and let us know!
@stilllegitpodcast on instagram
Regular episode drops on Tuesday!

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Episode 11: "They Can Smell the High Street On You" - Ugly Betty
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
This week Emily and Anna revisit the Mode offices when they watch America Ferrera as Ugly Betty. On the way they touch on important topics like bowling shoe etiquette, Calvin Klein's cat face and Jon Hamm's... anaconda. Sorry Mum.
We love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!
Email us at isitstilllegit@gmail.com
Find us on Insta: @Stilllegitpodcast
Everywhere else: @Eggcomedy

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Episode 10: "A Hollywood Phallusy" BIG
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
It's a BIG one - Anna and Emily discuss the problematic joy that is 'Big'. On their journey they also revisit the worst hotels they've ever set foot in, community Whatsapp groups, Elizabeth Duke belly bars and very different approaches to breast gazing.
Let us know your thoughts / send us your mum mail (that'll make more sense post podcast) at Isitstilllegit@gmail.com

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Little Britain Pt. 2 - A Minisode.
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Between us recording last weeks Little Britain episode and releasing it - it got taken down - cancelled if you will. So we thought we'd do a little follow up on how legit we think Mr Lucas and Mr Walliams response was. And is taking down the series a good or bad move.
Email us your thoughts at istilllegit@gmail.com and don't forget to rate and review!